K-1 News!
Week of February 24th!
We had MAD time. We practiced our Jolly Phonics sounds with a partner. We saw how wood changed shapes with using sandpaper. We also make plywood by gluing thin pieces of wood together. We wrote our numbers to 30. We had Music. We practiced writing words.
We played Bang! with our sight words. We did exercise. We read a story called Duck and Goose. It was a story about friends working out their differences. We practiced reading our new sight words. We focused on make and play. We fixed sentences with Mrs. Jedlicka and then we wrote a sentence. We had Guidance. She talked with us about learning how to focus and be good listeners to directions. We did the Star of the Week. We made Kaiden’s book and did Garret’s Star of the Week pictures. We had PE.
We wrote words and then checked to see how many sounds we got correctly. We read a story called Zin, Zin The Violin. We read stories at our table spots to practice reading our sight words in books. We wrote in our School to Home journals. We love reading what our parents and/or siblings write back to us. We practiced putting the numbers in order counting by 10’s. We had library.
We did centers today. We wrote sight words, played Sight Word Bingo, read books, played on the computer, did a Scholastic News, and we created things with magnets and animals. We had snack in the middle school cafeteria for a smiley reward. It was fun. We went to the computer lab for computer time. We had music.
Upcoming Events:
*March 3rd-Parent Teacher Conferences
*March 6 and 7th-Mrs. Jedlicka gone to All Iowa Dance
*March 4th-Ronald McDonald Assembly
*March 17th-21st -Spring Break