Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hot Chocolate Day!

We did  a lot of fun things today with hot chocolate and then we enjoyed a treat after lunch recess!
Thanks to Bridget for the marshmallows, Kaiden for the chocolate chips, and Gavin for the cups!

Sarah Visits!

Sarah visited today from Cedar County Conservation.  She taught us about deer.  We learned that deer eat corn, nuts, and twigs in the winter.  That they fight with their horns and their teeth get smoother as they get older.  They are hunted by bobcats.  We got to touch antlers and a bobcat coat.  We also made two ornaments for our tree!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Herbert Hoover Christmas Trees Field Trip!

We went to the Herbert Hoover Museum today in West Branch to see their Christmas Trees display.  The trees were decorated with all things about the state of Iowa.  We watched a few movies in their theater, saw the trees, and listened to books as we did a craft.  It was a fun field trip!

K-1 News

K-1 News!
Week of December 9th!
We had MAD time today.  We worked on two new words.  They are now and are.  We read the story called Home for a Tiger, Home for a Bear.  We talked about many different kinds of animals and the homes they live in.  We wrote a thank you note to the lunch ladies for all that we do in the spirit of kindness.  We had Guidance with Mrs. Hesse.  We made Aron’s Star of the Week book and we learned about our new Star of the Week, Jett.  We had PE.
We practiced writing words from the Mystery Jar.  We practiced reading and writing our new sight words into sentences.  We practiced beginning, middle, and ending sounds.  We made ourselves into elves for our classroom door.  We had Millie from Farm Bureau visit today to teach us about turkeys!  We had library.
Today was an early out day.  We read Turtle Splash  and we talked again about where animals live.  We made a class book after choosing animals and their homes to draw.  We had music class.  We sang Christmas songs.  We made Christmas trees by organizing strips of paper from big to little.  
We played Sight Word Splat today with a our carpet partner.  We put cotton balls on our Count Down to Santa Santas.  We read new books for our book bags.  We rolled dice and added the numbers together to color a Christmas page.

Things to work on at home:
*Saying a word and then saying all of the sounds in the word: pig...p...i...g...
*Knowing the numbers to 20
*Sight Word: I, like, the, and, see, we, a, to, come, me, with, my, you, what, are, now

Upcoming Events:
*Gifts due to school Monday, December 16th
*Class Christmas Polar Express Fun on Friday, December 20th-students can wear warm pajamas to school that day!
*December 23rd-January 2nd-No School